
16-Day Functional Fitness Workout Plan

A man doing a functional fitness workout

Functional fitness workouts are workouts that include multiple muscle groups and focus on movements that are similar to movements used in everyday life. This functional fitness workout plan is designed to be used by beginners and advanced athletes alike because the exercises are scalable and adjustable to your level of experience or equipment.

Day 1: Front Squats, Running, Wall Balls, and Burpees

Part 1:

4 sets of:

10 sandbag front squats (or use a medicine ball, a weighted backpack, or anything else that provides enough resistance to make 10 reps difficult)

Part 2:

4 rounds of:

400m Run
20 Wall Balls with 20 pound medicine ball (or 40 air squats)
20 Burpees

Day 2: Sit-Ups, Glute Bridges, Jumping Lunges, Curls, and Kickbacks


2 rounds of:

10 Bodyweight Good Mornings
10 Dumbbell Strict Presses
10 Glute Bridges

Main Workout

5 rounds of:

15 Abmat Sit-Ups
15 One-leg glute bridges
15 Jumping Lunges
15 Dumbbell curls
15 Dual dumbbell kickbacks

Day 3: Sandbag Back Squats, Dumbbell Lunge Thrusters, and Good Mornings

Part 1:

3 rounds:

  • 1:00 Sandbag Back Squat or Single-leg sit downs
  • :30 rest
  • 1:00 Dumbbell or Sandbag lunge thrusters (Reverse lunge then press dumbbell or sand bag when you stand back up) – or squatting walking lunges
  • :30 rest
  • 1:00 Weighted Good Mornings (holding sandbag or dumbbells) or bodyweight good mornings
  • :30 rest

Part 2:

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

  • 8 Kettlebell Swings
  • 8 Pike pushups
  • 8 Dumbbell high pulls

Day 4: Dips, Chest Press Toss

Part 1:

4 rounds:

10 dips (on rings, bars, or on a chair)
10 medicine ball chest press floor toss (from the floor or from a bench)

Part 2:

For Time:


Prisoner good mornings (arms up with elbows bent and hands behind your ears)

Day 5: Burpees, Glute Bridges, Step-Ups, Rows, & Shoulder Press

For 18 minutes:

  • :45 burpees
  • :15 rest
  • :45 glute bridges
  • :15 rest
  • :45 step-ups
  • :15 rest
  • :45 pull ups or dumbbell rows
  • :15 rest
  • 1:00 shoulder press
  • 1:00 rest

Day 6: Cardio and Step-Ups

Today is an active recovery day. It’s not a full rest day, but it’s a day to go a little bit easier and allow your muscles to grow.

8 minute run, bike, or swim
30 Box Step-Ups
6 minute run, bike, or swim
30 Box Step-Ups
4 minute run, bike, or swim
30 Box Step-Ups
2 minute run, bike, or swim

Day 7: Front Squats, Lunges, V-Ups, and Broad Jumps

Part 1:

4 rounds:

10 front squats

Part 2:

4 rounds:

  • 10 alternating lunges
  • 20 V-Ups
  • 5 broad jumps

Day 8: Cleans, Pushups, High Pulls, and Walkouts

Regular Workout

Part 1:

4 rounds:

  • 10 cleans (use dumbbell, sandbag, or weighted backpack)
  • Pushups to failure

Part 2:

4 rounds:

Day 9: Quick HIIT Workout

If you only have 20 minutes to spare, do this instead…

4 rounds of:

20 pushups
25 good mornings
12 walkouts

20:00 time cap

Day 10: Compound Lift Circuit, Run, Overhead Squats

Part 1:

3 rounds of:

  • 10 Back Squat
    • Use a sandbag or a weighted backpack if possible. If you don’t have either of those, then do squat jumps instead.
  • 10 Strict Press
    • Slightly bend your knees and keep your core engaged, then keep your body as still as you can while you press the weight overhead.
    • If you don’t have dumbbells, a sandbag, or a weighted backpack to push overhead, then do 10-15 pike pushups instead.
  • 10 Deadlift
    • If you don’t have a sandbag or other weight heavy enough for this, then do hip thrusts instead (10 weighted or 15 bodyweight)

Part 2:

5 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 15 Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats*

*If a Single Dumbbell Overhead Squat is too challenging, you can complete a Front Squat or do 30 air squats

Day 11: Strict Press, Step-Ups, Burpees, and Double-Unders

Part 1:

5 sets of 8:

Overhead strict press

Part 2:

5 rounds of:

  • 10 Weighted step ups
  • 15 burpees
  • 60 double-unders (or 120 count jump rope)

Day 12: Broad Jumps and Pull-Ups Workout

Part 1:

4 rounds of:

  • 8 weighted broad jumps
    • holding as much weight as comfortable, squat down and grab the weight from the ground, then jump like a frog as high and far as you can while pulling the weight to about thigh high
    • You can use a sandbag, dumbbells, a backpack with books or other weight in it. If you don’t have any of those, you can use a rock or buy a $5 bag of sand from a building supply store.

Part 2:

3 rounds of:

  • 10 pull ups, bodyweight rows, or upright rows
  • 10 bodyweight broad jumps
  • 8 pull ups, bodyweight rows, or upright rows
  • 8 bodyweight broad jumps
  • 6 pull ups, bodyweight rows, or upright rows
  • 6 bodyweight broad jumps

Day 13: Bodyweight HIIT Circuit 1.0

5:00 dynamic warm-up

5 rounds of:

:30 high knees
:30 butt kicks
:30 mountain climbers
:30 second rest

:30 second jumping lunges
:30 minute jumping jacks
:30 flutter kicks
:30 high plank toe touch (alternating)

Rest 2:00 minutes between sets

Day 14: Deadlift, Run, Pushup, and Pike Pushups

Part 1:

4 sets of 7 reps:

Deadlift or Single-Leg Deadlift (alternating legs) with dumbbells, sandbag, or anything else you can find

Part 2:

3 rounds:

  • 400m Run (1/4 mile) or 2:30 minute jump rope
  • 20 Push-Ups
  • 400m Run (1/4 mile) or 2:30 minute jump rope
  • 15 Pike Push-Ups or 15 Push Press with sandbag or dumbbells

Day 15: Medicine Ball Clean Wall Ball, Good Mornings, and Tuck Jumps

Part 1:

4 rounds of 10:

Medicine ball clean wall ball – 20-30 lb medicine ball

Part 2:

Split Stance Bodyweight Good morning

(preferably holding weight hanging in front or by your side; you can use anything that weights 20-30 pounds total: medicine ball, dumbbells, sandbag, backpack full of books, a small child, whatever you have)

Tuck Jump

Day 16: Squat Jumps, Pike Pushups, Back Bridges, and HIIT Circuit


3 rounds of…

  • 12 Squat Jumps
  • 12 Pike Pushups
  • 12 Back Bridges


For time…

  • 80 Sit-Ups
  • 60 Bird Dogs
  • 40 V-Ups
  • 180 Air Squats